The submarine Lembitis one of the twin submarines of the Republic of Estonia launched in 1936 at Vickers-Armstrongs shipyard in England. Its twin sister “Kalev” perished in November of 1941.Lembit was decommissioned in 1979. In 1992 the submarine became a branch of Esonian Maritime Museum.
The main features of the submarine Lembit
Displacement: surfaced – 665.5 t; submerged – 853.4 t
Main dimensions: 59.5 x 7.5 x 3.6 m
Speed: surfaced – 13.7 knots; submerged – 8.5 knots
Thickness of hull steel – 12 mm
Submersion depth: up to 90 m
Endurance: 4 weeks
Diesel engines: Vickers & Armstrongs Ltd – 2 x 600 hp
Electric engines: Metropolitan-Vickers – 2 x 395 hp
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The submarine landing is the first phrase of project. After that submarine will be transported and turned around into new museum.
Evergreen marine airbags are always found to be reliable for most heavy works. Submarine landing is a difficult work since the round hull of submarine and bad temporary landing ramp that always make troubles to the project. Evergreen airbags stand the most fierce test and proved to be the best.